Consolidated List of Why You Should Build a Gaming PC with Your Kids Instead of Buying Gaming Consoles


List of key points taken from my article on Building a Gaming PC with Your Kids Instead of Buying Gaming Consoles.

  1. Configurability
    • You can configure your PC to be as powerful as you want
      • Unlimited configurations
        • Access to unlimited hardware
        • Access to unlimited software
      • Gaming consoles generally only have one or two configuration options
  2. Upgradability 
    • Hardware, like extra RAM, can be added to a PC to improve performance
      • Hardware items like the motherboard are usually designed for future accommodations in mind, which means you can spend less money when initially configuring your PC
        • Example: Initial PC configuration has two 8GB sticks of RAM for an initial total of 16GB of RAM. The motherboard can accommodate up to 128GB of RAM and has 4 RAM slots. User later purchases a 16GB stick of RAM, to have a total of 32GB of RAM. Motherboard can still accommodate one more stick of RAM, but can still be configured with up to 128GB of RAM across 4 slots.
      • Only within the last few years can gaming consoles be upgraded with things like increased hard drive space 
        • Still unable to provide any significant performance upgrades to any console in terms of processing power for computing and graphics rendering
  3. Technological availability
    • PCs are usually years ahead of the gaming console industry
      • Console market can’t keep up with the PC component market, hence why PCs are generally always higher performers than the latest gaming consoles
        • VR was available on PC years before consoles could ever support
        • Access to latest and greatest processors (CPUs)
        • Access to latest and greatest graphics cards (GPUs)
      • Latest gaming consoles will probably not have latest CPUs or GPUs
  4. More than just gaming device
    • Access to all corners of the internet
    • Email
    • Word, spreadsheet, presentation, etc. processing and editing
    • Computer programming
    • Sound and video editing
  5. Wider game selection when compared to consoles
    • Most of the popular console games are available on PC, Xbox, and Playstation
      • Not many Nintendo games available on PC
  6. Skills learned
    • Gets parents and kids interested in technology and teaches lifelong skills

David Marcus

David Marcus is the creator of EEmaginations, and is a Professional Electrical Engineer working in the aerospace industry. David has a passion for solving engineering problems, and helping others succeed educationally and professionally.

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